
Texas Used Car Dealership Uncovers New Theft Scheme

A dealer in Lewisville, Texas about 30 miles northwest of Dallas contacted TIADA recently after a vehicle was stolen...

A dealer in Lewisville, Texas about 30 miles northwest of Dallas contacted TIADA recently after a vehicle was stolen from their location. TIADA visited with the general manager to learn more.

The GM shared with TIADA that on August 21st, a man and two women arrived at the dealership. The gentleman went into the store and asked to see a couple of vehicles, while the women remained in the vehicle. At around 4:20 pm, the dealership provided the gentleman the keys. After viewing the vehicles, “the gentleman returned a key, and the remote with the tag. One of the employees here at the dealership locked the vehicle with the remote as we normally do. Then just after 5pm, our 2016 Chevy Silverado was stolen off the lot.”

The vehicle was recovered with no damages. Upon getting the vehicle back, the dealership staff tested the key the gentleman had returned to them. “We didn't realize that when the gentleman returned the key to us, it wasn't the key for the vehicle that he was returning.” The GM suspects the gentleman walked over to the vehicle, swapped out the key with one that looked similar.

The general manager said they have since changed their process at the dealership and encourage other dealers to do the same. “We had never had an issue like this before, but what we're doing now is making sure at least one of us has the keys in view at all times. We make sure we're always with the customer.”

It is understandable that not all dealerships go on test drives with customers. If at some point the keys are not in possession or within sight of an employee you may want to consider implementing a consistent practice that requires an employee to verify the correct key has been returned prior to the customer leaving the dealership.  



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