Awards & Scholarships

Awards will be presented at the 2024 TIADA Conference & Expo

Quality Dealer of the Year Award

The Texas Quality Dealer of the Year award is the highest honor awarded to a TIADA member each year. Nominees demonstrate exceptional business ethics, service to TIADA, good citizenship and service to the community. The TIADA winner will be eligible for the National Quality Dealer Award which will be presented at the NIADA Convention the next year.
There are five areas of criterion that are used in making this choice:
The nominee’s longevity in the automobile business. 
This would include membership in TIADA. We see this as a lead indicator of success.
The professionalism of the presentation to the committee. 
This shows a commitment to excellence and the ability to organize and display the information.
Is the candidate a “good dealer”?
Here we look at sales volume and customer loyalty. We also look at retention of employees.
Is the dealer a “good citizen”?
We look at community activities and the candidate’s involvement. 
Do his/her peers view the dealer as a leader?
We judge letters from vendors, other suppliers, and customers, as well as other reference letters. 

CLICK HERE to nominate a dealer before May 24, 2024. 

Independent Award

The Independent Award is given to an individual outside of the industry (ie. politicians; media members; non-industry supporters) who have gone above and beyond in their support of the industry showing a true independent spirit.